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Saturday, January 4, 2014

I can act nude for $50m – Amanda Ebeye

Amanda Ebeye tells Ademola Oloniluawhy she does more of soap operas
than Nollywood movies
You once said that some of your friends who are actresses encouraged
you to become an actress.

How did they manage to do that?

I had a particular friend who was taking me for auditions. Back then,
auditions were held at the National Theatre and Winnie's Hotel in
Surulere (Lagos). Actors would hang around and wait for audition
notices. Those were the two most likely places artistes converge for
auditions. My friend knew I always wanted to act and she was acting
partly but in smaller roles. She was and is still more of an actress
than a model till date. We are not really close friends anymore.

You became popular in the television series, Clinic Matters; is there
any difference between you and the character you portrayed in the

Yes, it's a world of difference between the character, Abigail and I.
Abigail is known to be very nosy, she is two-faced and has issues and
controversy surrounding her. She also gossips a lot. I talk but not to
the detriment of other people. I was only portraying a character to
the best of my understanding at that time.

But do you gossip, and are you temperamental in real life as you act
in the soap opera?

Yes. I could be a little bit temperamental but not a big time gossip
like Nurse Abigail. I talk too but who doesn't? I can never
scandalise, lie or bring people down; never. On several occasions I've
had a lot of people say, maybe when I get upset, I yell. They assume I
am just as Nurse Abigail in reality. It is very funny because
whatever I portray is what I would have done if I was truly that
character. It is not who I am. If I was a gossip, a liar, a
prostitute, a pilot; it is all in my head, it is my imagination, my
creation and not who I am in real life. But when people talk like
that, I feel honoured because I feel I gave the character my best

Has your celebrity status helped you get favours?
Yes, I get loads of favours because people are always nice to me,
especially my fans. I get easy favours and preferential treatment. I
don't have to queue; I don't have to pay for certain things.

You are also a model; how did that happen?
I got into modelling before acting. My family lives in Benin. It was
actually modelling that brought me to Lagos. I had jobs with Unity
Bank, UBA, Emzor Paracetamol and others.

How did your parents take it when you got into modelling?
My mum was more interested in my education. My dad didn't want to
hear of it but my mum didn't mind as long as I got a degree.
Immediately I finished my studies, she allowed me.

Can you remember how much you were paid for your first role and how
you felt about it?
I can't really remember. I think it was N5, 000 or thereabout. I
didn't care about the money, I was so happy. Valucci was the
director's name and I got there just when the audition was about to
end. The name of the movie wasWeeping Tiger. I was late for the
audition but the director saw me and still called me to read. That was
how I got the role. I was in Jim Iyke's music band. It was
unbelievable. I was walking on sunshine because it was the happiest
day of my life.

Why do you do more of soaps than movies?
There was a time I stopped doing movies and concentrated on soap
operas. That was between 2009 and 2011. And since 2011, I have been
doing strictly movies apart fromBella's Placethat is owned by Royal

Can you act nude?

I cannot act nude but like I have said before, if you pay me about
$50m, I will. Please who is the first to pay?

Nollywood actresses have on some occasions shaved off their hair for a
role. Can you do same?
I can shave my hair because I'm an actress. If the role requires it,
if it is a beautiful script and the money is good, I will do it. It
will not be because it is the trend. It is not because Mercy Johnson
did it so I should, no, that is not a good enough reason. Right now,
the script has to be outstanding for me to be interested in shaving
off my hair.
Your mother is a fashion designer. Did it influence your decision to
become a model?
I'm not a dress model, I wasn't ever. I was more of a photography
model, so my mum being into designs had nothing to do with it.


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