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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Four Subtle Flirting Tricks To Make Men Extremely Attracted To You

Who says a girl can’t make the first move?
Approaching men is such a hotly debated topic. Some coaches say never to do it. I beg to differ.This is the 21st century! How else are you going to meet that cute guy at the coffee shop who doesn’t see you if you don’t do something? Right? Right.

However, if you march on over and say “Hello” and stare at him like you’re a lioness and he’s your next meal, it could very well backfire and give him the wrong idea. Always think “subtle and flirtatious.”
Here are my sneaky ways for approaching men in public that don’t really scream “I want to take your clothes off pronto,” but give you the opportunity to start a conversation.
Here are my four tried and true ways to approach a guy from least to most obvious:
1. Make eye contact. 
2. Ask him a question.
Need directions? Help finding something? Wondering what time it is? Get over there and ask, woman! However, if you stare at him, and march across the room to ask the score of the game, it’s going to be awkward.
Get near him first and then ask your question. This is one of my favorites. You’ve started a conversation of some type, it feels natural and it gives him the opportunity to help you.
Note: If you have your phone, you CANNOT ask him the time. Pick something else. If you whip out your phone with its big clock on the front, two minutes after you ask him the time, it’s going to back fire.
3. Compliment him.
However, don’t be like this; once I marched over to a man to compliment him and had no idea what else I intended to say after that. It was going well, he said “thank you” and smiled, but he didn’t say anything right away either. After a few awkward seconds, I panicked and ran.
It was a total approach fail. Even if you have to talk about the weather, have something else ready so that you aren’t stuck there in silence after the compliment.
4. Accidentally bump into him.
Remember that you need to prepare something to say for after you approach the guy as well. Don’t get caught there, deer-in-the-headlights style, unable to transition to an actual conversation if he just stares at you once you arrive.
Do you approach? What is your best go-to method for approaching a man? Comment below

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