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Thursday, November 17, 2016

3 Reasons Why Your Love Life Is Falling Apart

Every relationship has its own problems. The question to ask yourself is whether the problem is starting with you or your approach to the affair. Be honest, do you still look at your partner with so much love and desire as you did the first time you met? If the answer is no, then you are on your way to a loveless relationship.

If you ever felt love and respect for your partner and all of a sudden something stopped or you started getting distracted then you may be the cause of your relationship meltdown. It is important to work towards achieving a kind of relationship that can stand any test or trial.
Here are three major reasons why your relationship is derailing.
1. Communication
Every relationship needs constant and intense communication to work effectively. Lack of communication between two people in a relationship leads to a slow death of the affair. Humans haven’t discovered how to read minds, so the only way anyone can understand your state of mind is if your voice your thoughts. Assumint your partner’s stance over an issue is not enough. Communication is the key to open the lock of many problems as well as solve. Resolve to talk with respect and love to your partner. It will solve problems.
2.$ex life
$ex and intimacy is very vital in every love affair or relationship. Every human is craves a deep connection with another. That desire, when met leads to a great level of fulfillment and happiness. A relationship that lacks a healthy dose of $ex and intimacy is a relationship heading to the rocks and in no time will shatter to pieces. Every couple needs to pay attention to their $ex life, you owe to your partner to create excitement and pleasure in the bedroom.
3. Lack of innovation
This is easily one of the main reasons relationships fail. Sometimes, people just stop trying. You stop trying to treat you wife/girlfriend as a princess or queen. You stop cooking your husband’s special meal because you are tired. All this little things go a long way in growing the relationship.

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