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Thursday, November 24, 2016

Listen Ladies, Here are 5 Signs He May Have a Small P*nis

You can now know if that man is really endowed or  has a tiny p*nis before you start up a relationship. Use these signs to know so as not to get disappointed.

1. He is the “Relationship Guy”
In some cases, guys with small Pen!ses use relationships as crutches. They think that maybe if they are a really, really good boyfriend it will distract from his absentee Pen!s. They take you on shopping sprees, cook you dinner every night, rub your feet and wash your clothes, all in the hopes that he will keep you around. However, he is deemed the “relationship guy” because he is always bouncing from relationship to relationship. Why? Well, let’s be honest. Think about the guy that you just can’t seem to get over. He was good in bed, wasn’t he? Exactly. The guy who is genitally challenged finds it hard to keep the women around.
2. All of His Exes Cheated on Him
Women cheat for one reason: she feels neglected. Either she feels neglected emotionally or $exually, and sometimes if the s*x is good enough, the emotional factor can be omitted. After talking to a new suitor and you realize that all of his stories about his exes involve being Cheat!ng on, you may just be talking to a “Small D!ck Tracy.” You’ll know if he has a really small ‘wang‘, if not only did she cheat on him, but with his best friend! Whether that is true or not, if all his exes cheated on him in the past, that definitely poses as a red flag.
3. He doesn’t Press You For S*x
Ever thought the man you were dating was such a gentleman, because he never dared ask you for $ex? However, after a few months of being a gentleman, you were dying and pleading for him to ravage you like a beastly man. The small D!ck man has no problem withholding from $ex, and can be famously quoted for saying “A gentleman never asks.” Even, when you are in a relationship with him and you’ve already seen what he has to offer, he still might hold back. Some guys are too embarrassed to whip it out and continuously feel inadequate. Hey, if you are a still around, try to make him feel more at ease, which will require you to initiate every time.
4. He’s the B!tch in the Relationship
As a rule of thumb, I’d say the smaller the Pen!s, the bigger the emotions. Commonly, a man’s Pen!s is so small, he starts to grow a vagina. Not really but, he’s fights so hard to maintain his manhood, his emotions start to fluctuate  and become irrational like he is on his period. Needless to say, the more unsatisfied you feel in the bedroom, you, the woman, has now become the man. You find yourself setting the rules, being the boss, and being insensitive to his feelings. Again no one pays me to make these assumptions, but I believe the bigger the Pen!s the stronger the control on the household. However, when there are no Pen!ses present, the woman naturally takes the lead.
5. He’s a 0ral Overachiever
Cutting straight to the point, men who aren’t well endowed in the P@nts, tend to be great at head. For example, people who have lost their eye sight, tend to have superb auditory skills. Well, the same goes for these types of guys. At times, all he may want to do is 0rally satisfy you, and then he is done, which is definitely a warning sign when first dating a guy. So, if in the first months he just ‘mouths you down’ and that’s it, you may have ran into ‘Mr. Smalls’. He’s using his tongue as a distraction, but don’t worry, that 0ral voodoo will tend to wear off.

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