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Friday, October 28, 2016

Six Signs A Guy Doesn’t Think You’re Worth His Time Anymore

Opening your heart isn’t easy; you can’t just let anyone in there before you know they’ll treat it delicately. Here are six signs that tell a guy you’re not what he’s looking for:
1. He openly talks about the other girls he’s dating.
Quite simply, he’s not concerned with hurting your feelings. If he were looking for arelationship, that certainly wouldn’t be the case.
2. You only hear from him for booty calls.

He’s only thinking of you when he’s horny. He’s not daydreaming about you all day, thinking about the perfect way to make it official. If he was, you’d talk about more than just when and where to have $ex.
3. He disappears for long periods of time.
This says he has no interest in keeping you interested. If he’s not thinking about you in the long-term, he’s not thinking there’s an “us” in the long-term.
4. You never meet his friends.
If he’s not going to spend time getting other people invested in you, then he isn’t invested in you.
5. You have no hobbies.
Sorry, happy hour and Netflix don’t count. No real hobbies, activities or passionate interests is the hallmark warning sign of an emotionally needy person. If you want someone to love, you have to BE someone worthy of it.
6. You have no job.
We all want a partner, not a dependent. Things happen and it’s a tough economy, but it’s a red flag. Financial burden aside, being unemployed and not working toward a career could mean a lack of forethought, planning, drive and independence.

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