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Thursday, November 17, 2016

10 Unbearable Ways Broke Guys Normally Treat Their Women

Most ladies, if not all, will sneer fulsomely at the thought of going out with a broke guy not because it’s the dream of every girl to date a wealthy guy but because they feel rich guys are less problematic.

As a matter, most broke guys can be sometimes problematic as it requires a lot of patience, endurance and total obedience in order to deal with them in relationships.
Without wasting time, below are the unbearable ways some broke guys usually treat women.
1. He Nags at the mention of Money
The best way a lady can find a way into the heart of a broke guy is to avoid asking him for money. By so doing, the guy will shower her love as he sees her as someone who loves him for whom he is. When a lady demands unnecessarily from him, the guy will see her as a money monger and may be forced to throw punches at her.
2. He only shows love in the Bedroom
They feel buying shakara or pepper soup for their babe is extravagant spending and you hear stuffs like *me I can’t waste my money on Mr. Biggs. Any lady that can’t eat in my house is not a wife material* Thier only way of showing love and affection to their girlfriends is through their joysticks
3. He gets Angry over irrelevant things
Most broke guys seem to be very harsh that they quarrel over irrelevant things so that their girlfriends will pay loyalty to them. When their girlfriends misbehave, they are quick to make reference to the fact that it’s because they’re broke that they are being disrespected.

4. He Becomes FBI
As a chronic broke guy from birth till now, I think can relate to this, in the sense that, broke guys do not really trust their girlfriends that much because they feel the possibility of being cheated on is very high as they’re not man enough to their basic needs. By the reason of this, they check the phone of their girlfriends for suspicious whatsapp messages, incoming and outgoing calls just to accuse them of infidelity.
5. He forcefully collects back his gifts when the Lady offends Him
As funny as it sounds, some guys spend their hard earned money on ladies just to command total obedience and faithfulness. If the lady messes up, the guy will be forced to collect back his money or gift. I remember when I bought an okrika shoe for my girlfriend sometime last year, she began to misbehave the following day and I collected the shoe from her and gave it to my younger sister.
6. They go in search of another lady when they become Rich
Another unbearable way some broke guys treat ladies is that they will dump the ass of that girl that have been staying with them through trying times. This is because they feel she no longer match their standard
7. He Denies Impregnating his Girlfriend
A research which was conducted last year shows that 90% of broke guys who impregnate their girlfriends are most likely to deny it. For those who cannot deny, they will blame the lady for carelessness and will opt for abortion without even giving her a kobo

8. He only shows Love on Valentine’s Day
To be very frank and sincere, valentine’s day is not the only way to show love to a woman. Some broke guys only take their girlfriends on dates only during special occasions like Christmas or her birthday while some will break up to avoid spending
9. They tell their girlfriends to go for low cut whenever money is required for making hair
Some of them can’t even follow their girlfriends to the salon because of the fear of paying. This is an unbearable way of showing love to a lady
10.They Flash Incessantly
I have guys in my villa who incessantly flash ladies as if their lives depend on them. When the girl asks for recharge card they will start thinking she wants to scam them

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